Trump(ed) but not defeated

Anything but inevitable, Trump is now president of the United States. Donald J Trump. The man who tried to brand steaks.   Does this mean every American is a racist now? Does this mean everyone in America is on-board with sexual assault? Does this mean every American is an idiot? Does this mean liberal ideology…

Benefiting who?

Some stereotypical slimy landlord, moonlighting as a Tory MP, sat in his four bedroom townhouse in Kensington. He has some connections here and there, which means sometimes his tax might slip by unnoticed, or he can go on a nice holiday, bill the taxpayers. Enjoy a lobster. Down the road in Brixton, there’s a family…

Unpicking the Brexit omelette

I’ve looked inside the Brexit omelette. I’ve only found regrets and confusion in my slice. And omelette is a French word. Shit. “How do you want your Brexit, hard, or soft?” asks Theresa May, leader supreme of the almost Independent nation(s) of Britain. Somehow. Theresa May was bizarrely crowned prime minister a few months ago and so…