New Stuff

I’ve got free time and lots of stuff to write down. The serialised version of my story “The Hairless Meanderings of Edward Lock” will be coming out three times a week for the next month and a half (if you want to read it, or re-read it.) It ends at Christmas time, and it’s definitely…

The Trump Effect

Earlier in the year I had a spasm of affection for Bernie Sanders. I almost called random Americans in the U.S to tell them how great he was. There was a story circulating that a fourteen year old boy was calling a hundred people a day. Phone banking. Harnessing of a generation of young people,…

Red-hot Dog Days

My brother Tommy was sweating underneath an optimistically tight t-shirt and a pair of light blue shorts. His sunglasses were flecked with perspiration and dirt, but he was too nervous to take them off and clean them. Heat rose in snaking tendrils from the battered old car at the front gate, the scent of burning…