Democratic integrity: this isn’t about what side you’re on

Or so says Jill Stein and a group of academics that have, for the last week, been looking into voting irregularities in the swing states Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, (these were, amazingly, states that were “intended” for Clinton.) In the another twist in the election tale Stein started a fundraiser to cover the costs of…


Credit to my pal Sam Garner for “the elected meme.” Donald Trump’s campaign was fuelled by a large group of pseudo-activists, whose picket line was not on the street, but on Facebook, reddit, Twitter and any other social media outlet you care to come up with. It is, as the Guardian has so nicely wrapped…

Trump(ed) but not defeated

Anything but inevitable, Trump is now president of the United States. Donald J Trump. The man who tried to brand steaks.   Does this mean every American is a racist now? Does this mean everyone in America is on-board with sexual assault? Does this mean every American is an idiot? Does this mean liberal ideology…

The Trump Effect

Earlier in the year I had a spasm of affection for Bernie Sanders. I almost called random Americans in the U.S to tell them how great he was. There was a story circulating that a fourteen year old boy was calling a hundred people a day. Phone banking. Harnessing of a generation of young people,…